I was lucky enough to be contacted in being part of the Blog Tour for Love, Secret Santa and I am honestly so ecstatic. I really enjoyed this book and it really is perfect as a Christmas time read!
Love, Secret Santa focuses on Angel Green who is too busy studying for a scholarship exam to celebrate Christmas. On top of that, she's organising her school's charity fundraising campaign to help a local hospice. Unfortunately, her fundraising partner is Caspar Johnson: handsome, creative and fun, but TOTALLY unreliable.
Thank goodness for her Secret Santa who keeps leaving her amazing presents, including an intriguing hand-made advent calendar! Angel is dying to find out who her secret admirer is
Hatchette Children's Group have been super nice to provide me with an extract to post for you guys! So I hope you enjoy!
Fat, soft flakes of snow swirled down towards the concourse below as Angel Green gazed out of the café window. Finally. It really was starting to feel like Christmas was around the corner, even if she had so much to cram in between now and the end of term. The town’s ice rink was being assembled in the open square, like it was every year, and Angel felt a buzz of anticipation as she watched the people in their high-visibility vests setting it up. Christmas songs had just begun to intersperse the terrible chart music being pumped out from the speakers in the café, and Angel wasn’t even annoyed by them. Not yet anyway! The whole thing was so mesmerising, she almost forgot the chemistry textbook open on the table in front of her, and her rapidly cooling hot chocolate.
‘Gorgeous,’ she whispered absently as she observed the scene, her breath clouding against the cool glass.
‘I know, right?’
Angel turned towards her best friend, Izzy Carter – but the brunette was scrunching her curls to reinvigorate their signature perky bounce, her keen blue eyes trained in an entirely different direction. Craning her head to see between the busy tables towards where Izzy was looking, Angel could make out a vaguely familiar figure in a black leather jacket. He had a tan scarf wound around his neck despite being indoors, but Angel had to admit she was impressed at how well it complemented his light-brown skin and perfectly styled dark quiff. Sanj Patel was gorgeous.
I recently posted my review of the book here if you want to check it out!
Also please go check out @Corazzz's Book Inspiration tomorrow along with all past and upcoming posts below!
