Hey, my name is Emmie and welcome to Once More With Reading.
I am an socially awkward woman who cares more about hitting her book target for the year then current pop culture. I am an avid book reader who is still in the young adult genre of her life. I absolutely adore YA fantasy, Sci-Fi and Contemporary novels and would happily give up my life to live in one of my favourite imaginary worlds.
Reading is the one thing that has stuck with me from my childhood. If I close my eyes and attempt to remember my earliest memory all I can see is a younger version of myself, blonde hair tied up and a book in hand.
Years down the line the image is pretty much the same, except now my hair is no longer blonde (thanks to my rebel teenage years where my hair was a deep purple) and is thrown into a messy bun or ponytail because I’m simply too lazy to make myself look presentable when my only audience will be my family and my books.
Add in my love for photography and ta da! I created my Bookstagram account and now my blog!
I hope that this blog will provide you with entertainment, information, book reviews and other bookish posts that you can read and enjoy!
I can’t wait to start this journey with you all.