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We Unleash The Merciless Storm (WSTDOF #2) by Tehlor Kay Mejia - Book Review

Thank you to Haper360ya for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Please be aware that this is the second and final book in the We Set The Dark On Fire duology so there will be spoilers! You have been warned!

This book was amazing and honestly a great end to this duology.

This book follows Carmen after the events of We Set The Dark on Fire and we get to see a lot more of La Voz, which I was so happy about because after reading about them in the first book I knew I wanted to read more about the people in this group and how they live.

It took me a while to get used to the idea of Carmen being our main protagonist in this book. Having only recently read the first book in this duology I had gotten used to Dani being the voice of this story and I had become emotionally attached to her.

However this feeling did not last long. It was so refreshing to hear the story being told from a different perspective and how she had to deal with the aftermath of We Set The Dark On Fire.Carmen is a strong character who fights for what she believes in, no matter what implications they may have to La Voz who are the only family she's ever known. She's smart, she's feisty and I loved her character development in this book.

My only issue with the book is that I would have liked to have seen more at the end of the book. Without giving the story away, I just think the ending could have been expanded and we could have seen more of what had happened after the events took place.

Overall this is an action packed and intense end to this duology that had me hooked from the start. I'm so sad its over!

Rating: 4/5 stars


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