Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
This book follows the lives of Nadia and Daniel. Nadia aims to get the 7:30 train from Angel every morning, so long as she hasn’t overslept or had a late night out with her best friend Emma drinking wine. Daniel always gets the 7:30 train every morning because he hasn’t been sleeping properly since his dad died.
One Monday morning Nadia receives a text message from Emma with a picture of the newspaper’s Missed Connections section. The post that has caught their eyes seems like it’s aimed at Nadia, who instantly shoots it down but can’t help but feel a little bit excited at the prospect of it.
After drinking too much wine with Emma, the two start to write a draft message back with Nadia having no plans to send it. She’s recently come out of an emotionally abusive relationship and is unsure whether she’s ready to get back into the dating game. Emma, being the great friend she is, sends the message off. This then starts of a chain of messages, near-misses and nail-biting scenes.
This book is so much more that I expected it to be. I was hooked from the very beginning and found myself loving these characters.
I loved that the story was told by both Nadia and Daniel. It was interesting to get both sides of the story even if it made me cringe so badly when they were so close to bumping into each other! I found myself becoming so emotionally invested in their lives and this relationship.
I really loved the side characters as well. Gaby (Nadia’s work BFF) and Emma were the supportive friends that every girl wishes they had in their lives. They helped picked Nadia up in her lowest and were there to re-affirm to her that she deserved to be loved.
Romeo was so sweet and just the perfect friend for Daniel! The constant support he gave Daniel made me want to just hug him! From the first day that the two met Romeo was helping Daniel pick up the pieces without asking questions. Romeo didn’t care, he’s just a kind-hearted person.
The only thing I disliked in the book was that one chapter was written in someone else’s perspective (I’m trying to be vague so that I don’t spoil anything!) it just seemed so out of place and weird to me when I had gotten used to reading from either Nadia and Daniel’s perspectives.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I love the idea of the missed communication section in the newspaper and when I used to travel everyday, I always found myself reading them, wondering if I could watch a romance like this blossom before my very own eyes. The characters were written beautiful and Laura Jane Williams has a way of just completely submerging you into the world she’s created. I also love books that are based in London, it just makes it more realistic for me because these are all places I’ve been to.
I recommend this book to people who are looking for a light-hearted, on the edge of your seat romance book this summer!
Rating: 5/5*