So, as an avid watcher of Book Roast on YouTube I've always wanted to take part in her Harry Potter themed magical readathons. These happen twice a year for the O.W.L's and N.E.W.T.s.
In April she hosted the O.W.L's but I was in such a bad place with my mental health that I realised there was no way I was going to be able to do it. Now, in July, G has just announced the N.E.W.T.s in August and for some reason something just sparked. I needed to do this. I wanted to do this.
However, in order to do my N.E.W.T.S I need to have passed my O.W.L.s and most of all chosen an profession. G mentioned in her video that you can just join the readathon without having done your O.W.L.s or if you were a stickler for the rules you could sit them in July.
So as I completely and utter rule abider I am sitting my O.W.L.s
G has done an amazing job in setting the whole thing up with different leaflets and booklets to help you decide what profession to go for and what reading prompts you'll need to complete in order to get a PASS grade. I'll link her original announcement video for her O.W.L.s readathon below. You'll find the links to all the necessary documents in the description of the video.
After much deliberation I decided I wanted to be a Hogwart's Professor. I always wanted to teach but with my self-confidence I realised quite early on that I wouldn't last a single day in front of children/teens. So I find other ways to teach. In my job I'm one of the main trainers and absolutely love it.
So with my profession decided I needed to look at the reading prompts and find books that fit in with them.
My Requirements were as follows
- Must pass 7 O.W.L.s in total
- One must be a subject you wish to teach
- Defence Against the Dark Arts
- 5 additional subjects of your choice.
I decided quite early on that I would want to teach Transfiguration because I absolutely adore the class so then it was down to picking my five additional classes. I'm not going to lie, some of the classes were chosen for how easy the prompts were as in along with reading seven books in total I have books that I have to review through NetGalley so I had to be sensible.
Here is the list of all the classes, their prompts and my chosen books/graphic novels (anything on Goodreads counts!)
Prompt: Sprayed Edges or a red cover Book: Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan (my edition has pink sprayed edges)
Defence Against The Dark Arts
Prompt: Title that starts with an 'R' Book: Romanov By Nadine Brandes
Muggle Studies
Prompt: Read a Contemporary book
Book: The Rest of The Story
Prompt: Read a sequel
Book: Saga Volume 2
Ancient Runes
Prompt: Read a Re-telling
Book: The Princess and The Fangirl by Ashley Poston (re-telling of The Prince and the Pauper)
Prompt: Read an adult work Book: Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Prompt: Read a book with a plant on the cover
Book: All The Crooked Saints by Maggie Stievater
So I have all of July to read these book which a lot have been on my TBR pile for a while so this makes it a fun way of actually getting to those books. Once I've finished I'll do a run down for all the books and the ratings I gave them (if I really loved them they might get their own full review).
Then in August I'll start my N.E.W.T.s which from what I can tell means I'm going to be reading at least seven books for four subjects.
Well, I better get a move on...