Thank you so much to Quirk Books for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review (ad-gifted).
Like any other teenager, Jess Flynn is just trying to get through her junior year without drama ... but drama seems to keep finding her. Between a new crush on her childhood best friend, overprotective parents cramping her social life, and her younger sister's worsening health, the only constant is change--and her hometown of Swickley, which feels smaller by the day.
Swickley is getting weirder by the day, too. Half the population has been struck down by a mysterious flu. Conversations end awkwardly when Jess enters the room. And then one day, a tiny, sleek black device--with an apple logo on it--falls out of her best friend's backpack and lands at Jess's feet.
Okay, if you're a big fan of the film The Truman Show then you need to pick this book up. I don't even need to write this review to convince you of that. Just trust me.
Now, for those who have never watched The Truman Show this book is about a young girl who starts to feel like things aren't right in her hometown. Half of the town have gone down with this mysterious flu, she keeps hearing weird chants every morning and her best friends are ignoring the feelings she has for her best friend and keep trying to force another guy on to her. Then once her friend accidently drops her iPhone and considering the year is 1998 to Jess, things start to spiral out of control.
This book was addictive and I had so much trouble putting it down and considered staying up into the early hours to finish it because I was absolutely obsessed with the plot and the characters. Jess is such a thoughtful, strong and amazing character who goes through so much in this book which helps shape her as a person. There is a lot of heartache and she starts to learn that the world she's living in is completely fake.
The writing was compelling and gripping and led to an amazing YA mystery/thriller that left me heartbroken at times. I needed more once the book was over and I wish there had been a little bit after it all. However as you can tell by the rating I gave the book that didn't stop me from loving it.
This Is Not The Jess Show is out 2nd February and I recommend everyone reads it!
Rating: 5/5 stars