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Incendiary by Zoraida Córdova - Book Review

Thank you to NetGalley and Hodder and Stoughton for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Goodreads Synopsis

I am Renata Convida.

I have lived a hundred stolen lives.

Now I live my own.

Renata Convida was only a child when she was kidnapped by the King's Justice and brought to the luxurious palace of Andalucia. As a Robari, the rarest and most feared of the magical Moria, Renata's ability to steal memories from royal enemies enabled the King's Wrath, a siege that resulted in the deaths of thousands of her own people.

Now Renata is one of the Whispers, rebel spies working against the crown and helping the remaining Moria escape the kingdom bent on their destruction. The Whispers may have rescued Renata from the palace years ago, but she cannot escape their mistrust and hatred--or the overpowering memories of the hundreds of souls she turned "hollow" during her time in the palace.

When Dez, the commander of her unit, is taken captive by the notorious Sangrado Prince, Renata will do anything to save the boy whose love makes her place among the Whispers bearable. But a disastrous rescue attempt means Renata must return to the palace under cover and complete Dez's top secret mission. Can Renata convince her former captors that she remains loyal, even as she burns for vengeance against the brutal, enigmatic prince? Her life and the fate of the Moria depend on it.

But returning to the palace stirs childhood memories long locked away. As Renata grows more deeply embedded in the politics of the royal court, she uncovers a secret in her past that could change the entire fate of the kingdom--and end the war that has cost her everything.


As soon as I read the synopsis for this book I knew I had to read it.

This book had me on the edge of my seat and when I wasn’t reading it I was thinking about this world that Zoraida Córdova has created. Córdova’s writing style is seamless and before you know it you’ve read 100 pages and haven’t realised it. I mean, she had me near to tears in the first handful of chapters! Incendiary has a good pace and very little filler. I’m a huge fan on the magical system and the idea that there are different types of abilities.

I liked Ren, our main protagonist, who is shunned for her magical ability and finds herself having to distance herself from others. I found that the way the story progressed with the use of Ren’s powers were what kept me hooked on the story. I found it to be an interesting way to world build and develop her as a character.

My only issue with this book was the first 10-20%, I honestly felt like I had come in to a story that was already built up. I felt like I had missed something and a lot of the world building that happens at the beginning of a new series.

Overall this was a very enjoyable read and did not disappoint with all it’s twists and turns! I’m excited to read the sequel!

Rating: 4/5 stars


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