I want to say thank you so much to Hodder & Stoughton for sending me an advance copy of Adult Virgins Anonymous and allowing me to take part in this amazing book tour! Whilst this is mainly over on Instagram/Tik Tok/Twitter I couldn't help but share my review on here!
Be sure to check out everyone else on the tour on the banner below!
Goodreads Synopsis
Are you still a virgin?
Want to talk about it in a safe space?
Meetings every other Tuesday.
You're not alone.
Kate Mundy's life is not going to plan. Nearing thirty, she's been made redundant from her job, her oldest friends have quietly left her behind, and she can barely admit her biggest secret: she's never even been on a date, let alone taken her underwear off with a member of the opposite sex.
Freddie Weir has spent most of his twenties struggling severe OCD and anxiety, and now his only social interactions consist of comic book signings and fending off intrusive questions from his weird flatmate Damian. There's no way Freddie could ever ask a girl out and now he's wondering if this is the way it might be forever.
When Freddie and Kate meet at a self-help group for adult virgins, they think they might just be able to help each other out so they can both get on with finding their real romantic destinies. But might these two have more in common than just their lack of experience?
I cannot deny how intrigued I was after hearing the title for this and when I was offered a place on the tour I instantly ran at the chance. Being a virgin in your late 20s is almost seen as a taboo and it was so refreshing to read a book that actually celebrates it and makes you realise how normal it is. It's also a nice reminder that life is not a race, which I constantly need to remind myself.
The whole concept of this book just drew me in and I absolutely devoured it within a few hours. The characters are so realistic and the range of diversity in this book was just amazing.
I found it so easy to relate to Kate and how she sees herself. She's very insecure with the way she looks and she wonders if that is the reason she's still a virgin. Her career also isn't going the way she imagined and the people she thought were her friends no longer are a part of her life. Honestly, that bit hit the hardest for me as people I thought would be in my life forever no longer are and it's so easy to blame yourself for losing them. Kate was such a beautiful character that I couldn't help but love. She's smart, caring, strong and doesn't give up.
Freddie was an absolute sweetheart who has trouble telling people what he actually thinks. He suffers from OCD and anxiety and is still reeling from his worst episodes of them. He feels like his mental illness will make it harder for him to have a relationship and it affects the way he interacts with women he's attracted to. I feel like I would be in the same boat as him so it made me feel better about it all when he started to step outside his comfort zone.
I do feel like some parts of this book were a little rushed but that didn't stop me from fully enjoying this journey that Freddie and Kate went on.
It was such a beautiful and much needed story that everyone should read. This subject matter is something that is rarely touched on in a serious manner. It shouldn't be difficult to talk about being a virgin in your 20s but society and the media has definitely played a hand in making it something to keep secret. We need more books like this, that embrace individuality and different life choices! I 100% recommend this book to anyone who loves a cute, awkward love story.
Rating: 4/5 stars
